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The new body of work is a celebration of growth and evolution, the vibrant unseen dance of life.

Tree forms and organic shapes are an important part of my work. Biological forms are composed to tell stories of identity, survival, growth, change, and contentment. Skewed attitudes toward bacteria and viruses, usually perceived harmful with
their benefits overlooked, also depict the prevailing socio-political climate. The unicellular microorganisms that I use represent a feeling of being constantly under scrutiny. These remain major concerns for me, along with the search for a language to explore identity. The movement and flow of the main actors in these works show the natural force of life. The battalions of little enigmas wandering on the surface embody a sense of malleability - an inner life that we don’t see, but can perceive. These images portray the conundrum of life, the interplay between contradictory forces and the continuous struggle to find peace through understanding and reconciliation. While each work is an entity in itself, the series in this show tell a different story about personalities, characters, relationships, circumstances and opportunities. I increasingly feel that to exist is magic.

Karachi Solo Show 2022 - Shades of Tranquility
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